There are different types of open channels. Depending on the cross-section type, open channels are classified into two types: Prismatic Channels, and Non-Prismatic Channels. A brief discussion of these two type of open channel is given below.

Prismatic Channels

If the cross-section of a channel is uniform throughout its length and the bottom slope is constant, it is called Prismatic Channels.

Key Features

  • Uniform channel cross-section throughout the length.
  • Constant bottom slope.
  • Prismatic channels can be triangular, rectangular, parabolic, trapezoidal or circular.
  • Artificial channels are usually prismatic channels.


Non-prismatic Channels

If the cross-section of a channel is non-uniform or the bottom slope is not constant, it is called Non-Prismatic Channels.

Non-prismatic Channel

Key Features

  • Non-uniform channel cross-section
  • Varying bottom slope.
  • Natural channels are usually non-prismatic channel.


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