Reconstituted soil is the soil combination prepared by breaking down natural soils, mixing with water as a slurry, and reconsolidating them.

A reconstituted clay is one that has been thoroughly mixed at between 1 and 1.5 times the liquid limit and preferably consolidated one-dimensionally.

Burland, J. B. (1990)

Preparation Methods of Reconstituted Soil

According to Liu et al. (2016) followings are the reconstituted soil preparation methods that had been developed to prepare specimens in the laboratory.

  1. Moist Tamping (Compaction),
  2. Water Pluviation,
  3. Air Pluviation,
  4. Slurry Deposition, and
  5. Slurry Consolidation.

As per Yin and Miao (2015), reconstituted soil sample preparation could be done in the following two ways mainly

  1. Preparation by Compaction method and
  2. Preparation by Consolidation of slurry


  • Burland, J.B. (1990), “On the Compressibility and Shear Strength of Natural Clays”.
  • Liu, M.D. and Carter, J.P. (1999), “Virgin Compression of Structured Soils”.
  • Yin, J. and Miao, Y.H. (2015), “An Oedometer-Based Method for Preparing Reconstituted Clay Samples”.
  • Kausar Alam Anik, Md. (2019) "Shear strength and compressibility characteristics of reconstituted clays".


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