As of 2010, the top three cement producers in the world are the USA, China, and India. Among these countries, China alone manufactures about 45% of the total worldwide production of cement. It is a non-recyclable product and so every new construction or repair needs new cement, thus global consumption continues to rise. Especially in the economies of Asia and Eastern Europe, cement production is an important element of progress.

According to the global cement directory, there are about 5673 active cement production plants in the world; among these, 3900 are in China. Some of the leading cement manufacturers are Lafarge HolcimHeidelberg Cement, Cemex, Italcementi, China Resources Cement, Taiwan Cement, Eurocement, Votorantim, etc. The total global consumption of cement, as indicated by statistics in 2015, measures up to 18 million metric tons, most of which is attributed to the rising national economy of North America.

The leading producers of cement among the developed capitalist countries are the USA, France, Italy, and Germany. Iran, now the top producer in the Middle-East, occupies the third position in the world for cement manufacture. Asian and African countries are also progressive in the production of cement. The kiln process in cement plants causes the emission of carbon dioxide, which is one of the major greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. With a view to reducing, even eliminating, the harmful environmental impacts of cement usage, leading industries are now trying to implement technologies that utilize recycled materials and renewable energy sources. "Green cement” is such a sustainable construction material that is the result of extensive research related to minimizing the effects of global warming.



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