Surface irrigation is an irrigation type where gravity force is used to distribute water over the soil surface. Before selecting surface irrigation over other types of irrigations, one must investigate the advantages and disadvantages of surface irrigation.

Advantages of Surface Irrigation

Followings are the surface irrigation advantages.

  • Management is quite easy, you do not need any modern technology. If you have local traditional knowledge, you can do it.
  • You do not need high financial support. You can be beneficial with small lands too.
  • If you have short time water supplies, then this is the best process for you.
  • If your drainage system is far, then you just need longer tubes.
  • This is a nature-friendly system, you can utilize rainwater.
  • It also works effectively in a low filtration rate.
  • Low capital and no energy cost needed.
  • You can use this irrigation process in sloping lands and long fields.

Disadvantages of Surface Irrigation

Followings are the surface irrigation disadvantages.

  • Level lands require high accuracy, you cannot use it there.
  • This is a big no-no for big fields.
  • Not applicable on soil with a high filtration rate.
  • Plants are always covered with water even when they do not need it.
  • Sometimes limited space gets more water than required.
  • No drainage outlet.


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